Packaging of Baby Foot

Saw this in particularly every Japanese Drugs Store, and have been wanting to try it myself.  

Process: Need to know that you will not be wearing any slippers or open toe shoes from day 5-6 onwards as your feet will starts to peel of dead skin which is somewhat scary to look at.  When it starts to show signs that it is peeling, good to have a soak in the bath and get your feet really moist, you will be so tempted to peel it off and reveal the clear smooth skin.  

Verdict:  You will get really soft and smooth skin after this treatment.  Depending on how you "Take Care" or "Abuse" your feet, you might get dead skin after a few weeks if you don't moisture them. Unlike the rest of the body, feet are the one area I reckon girls overlook on.  I have seen so many cracked heels especially traveling on escalators, their feet and appearance just doesn't tally.  You can use Baby Foot every 3 months to exfoliate and renew your tired looking feet.

Note:  Will see some gross skin peeling pictures at the end. 

Instructions for use.
I got mine from Japan, although in Japanese, the pictures attached are self explanatory.

You will get 2 sock like plastic holders with solutions, big enough to fit all feet sizes.

Be careful and hold the sock upright, wear them like you would for socks.
Stick the top ends with the stickers provided to fit your legs.  Wear them for 60 minutes.
Go read a book or watch some TV while you wait

Day 5-6 onwards.
You will noticed your feet became really dry and skin will "bubbled" up like it's soaked in water for a long time.
Then the peeling will start.

You can see the smooth skin beneath the dead skin.
Will take about another 3 days as there will be more peeling, you will know why no slippers or open toe shoes for this period of time.
I must say you will get a kick out from peeling it off.  

Baby Foot
